Prices Option

Prices option is a little complex, so I introduce it on a separate page.

Different from FlipCard, SpinToWin has only 4 reward types: hook item, vanilla item, hook economy, vanilla economy.

This option is optional, if you didn't add this, this means spin price is free.

Item Price

You can also set item as price, should use Item Format at this page.


      material: APPLE
      name: 'Magic Apple'
      custom-model-data: 5
      apply: [1,2]
      amount: 10

Item Match - Require MythicChanger

Item Match has those options:

  • match-rule: Determine the match rule of the price item.

This price type require your server must install MythicChanger plugin, please get it here:

FREE: Click to download

PREMIUM: Click to download

For how to configure the match-item section, please read MythicChanger's wiki, click here to visit. Please note that some of the match rules require PREMIUM version of MythicChanger, not PREMIUM version of SpinToWin!


          - 'ender_pearl'
      apply: [1,2]
      amount: 10

Hook Economy

Hook economy has those options:

  • economy-plugin: What plugin you want this price economy hook into, for now, SpinToWin supports Vault, GamePoints, PlayerPoints, CoinsEngine, UltraEconomy.

  • economy-type: If economy plugin is multi-currency economy plugin, you have to type currency name here.


    economy-plugin: Vault
    # If you set Economy plugin to CoinsEngine, then:
    # economy-plugin: CoinsEngine
    # economy-type: Coin
    # Yeah, you need add economy-type option here because its a multi-currency plugin.
    # For this, players will always cost 5$.
    amount: 5
    placeholder: '$5'
    apply: [1,2,3]

Vanilla Economy

Vanilla economy has those options:

  • economy-type: Supports exp, levels.


    economy-type: levels
    # In this example, player will cost different levels with different flip times.
      3: '10 Levels'
      4: '20 Levels'
    cost: [10,20]
    apply: [3,4]


Just set free: true here.

General Options

Those options can be used in the 4 types of reward. All of them are optional.

  • amount: The amount of reward items or economy values. Like 1. If not set, plugin will set amount to 1.

  • placeholder: Price display name at spin button. Like Stone x5. If not set, plugin will use default placeholder that provided by language file.

  • start-apply: The number of usage times that price start applies. It is a number, if spin times more than this number, this price will be applied. start-apply is only work with amount option, does not support cost option.

  • apply: The number of usage times that this price applies. It is an array, should be like [1,2,3], this means that this price applies to your first, second, and third time spin. If not set, the plugin will automatically consider the ID of the price as the applicable times. (Added in 2.0.0)

  • cost: Little same as amount, but this option corresponds to the number of times the apply option is applied one by one. Like [10,20,30]. If not set, plugin will use amount option value. (Added in 2.0.0)

  • conditions: Players must meet certain conditions to use this price. You should write this option like this format:

        - <Conditions>

    For example:

          type: permission
          permission: 'group.default'
          type: world
          world: 'world'
          type: permission
          permission: 'group.default'

    You can also write this option like this format, this format means players should always meet those conditions, whatever the spin times.

        type: permission
        permission: 'hi.hi'

    Each condition id section should use Condition Format, for more info, please view Format page.

About apply and start-apply feature:

If you set reserve option to false in a UI config:

  • Spin times = All rewards in spin UI - Claimed rewards in spin UI.

If you set reserve option to true in a UI config:

  • Spin times always = 1 (before 2.3.0)

  • Spin times = Spin button click times. (after 2.3.0, and you set check-permission-limit option in config.yml to true, otherwise its same as before 2.3.0)

Warn: after you enable reserve option in UI config, all rewards will not disappear after player has claimed, and players can get them unlimited times.

Last updated